I recently discovered a book called HINT FICTION. The editor was discussing it on NPR.
The inspiration for the book was a six word story that is attributed to ERNEST HEMINGWAY, but there seems to be some controversy about that. Here is that original story:
For sale:
baby shoes,
never worn.
Robert Swartwood was so taken with this brief fiction idea, especially in this, the age of TWITTER, that he put together a collection of such stories, limited to 25 words or less. I bought a copy, and I urge you to do the same.
I was also inspired to write some of my own. They're not all golden, but it's a great exercise. And who knows, with this format I may still be able to make my goal for the year. Only need to write five pieces per day til June 30th. Hmmm...
Here is one. This one is loosely based on a true story. When my grandfather was mayor of a suburb of Chicago, he pissed off the mafia. They said something along the lines of "you scratch our backs..." and he said "get out of my office." I don't know if the following incident was tied directly to that, but I do know that it actually happened.
Alfred could feel his zeal for his political career melt away as he stared at his poor, murdered dog, Tiger.
More hint fictions to come.
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